The Study of Ecclesiastes

Join us as Solomon searches for meaning and significance in a world of futility and brokenness.

Dial In with Jonny Ardavanis: Big Questions, Biblical Answers, is a series that seeks to provide biblical answers to some of the most prominent and fundamental questions regarding God, the Gospel, and the Bible

Big Questions, Biblical Answers

Spurgeon once said that there is no study like that of “the name, the nature, the person, and the works of God.” In this series, we will explore God’s attributes hoping that, as we understand His character more deeply, our understanding of His love for us and consequently our love for Him will grow.

The Attributes of God

The book of Jonah is a marvelous depiction of the heart of God. Have you ever wondered what the heart of God is really like? Towards sinners? Towards you? The book of Jonah reveals succinctly, yet powerfully the heart of God. Jesus in Matt. 12, identifies as the greater Jonah, therefore understanding Jonah’s story and person carries great significance.

The Book of Jonah

In this two part series, Jonny Ardavanis is going to discuss the power of the tongue. James 1:26 says: “if anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue, his religion is worthless.” Potentially you haven’t considered the massive significance of how you speak, write, and communicate, but the Bible says: “death and life are in the power of the tongue (Prov. 18:21).”

The Tongue

Dial In is a devotional series with the intention of helping followers of Christ understand God’s word and love Him more. Jonny seeks to communicate the profound depth of scripture in a digestible and condensed format each weekday. The goal of the podcast is that our “minds would be renewed” as we behold who God is in His word.

The Study of John

Jonny Ardavanis walks through Psalm 90, the first Psalm ever written and the only Psalm written by Moses. In this episode, Jonny looks at four attributes of God that compel and propel us to live our short lives well.

The Psalms

Although you may be familiar with this short story, there is much more to this book than you may think. Although the book is historical, there is more than mere history. Although the book is romantic, there is more than mere romance. The story of Ruth is ultimately about God’s providence in governing all things according to His redemptive plan.

The Book of Ruth

All of human history culminates in the arrival of the Messiah, the King of Kings and Savior of the world. Our gratitude this Christmas season will be in direct proportion to our understanding of the need for and anticipation of The Christ of Christmas.

Advent Series

In this series Jonny Ardavanis embarks on surveying the Biblical themes of work, laziness, rest and time management.


What is God’s Will
for my life?

In this episode of Dial In, Jonny Ardavanis answers the question “What is God’s will for my life?”

In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis highlights the A.C.T.S. formula of prayer: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. When we go to God in prayer, we pray not only with our grocery list of "gets," but with an understanding of the privilege we share in being able to approach God as our Father.

The Priority of Prayer

In this series Jonny Ardavanis walks through the Biblical starting point of wisdom. Namely, the fear of the Lord. 

Although the fear of the Lord is a pervasive topic throughout God’s Word, it is insufficiently addressed today and as a consequence, there is a deficiency of wisdom in the Church today.

Walking In Wisdom

In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis examines Mary’s song of praise in the first chapter of Luke’s Gospel. In her song, Mary articulates the proper response that everyone should have to the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Although falsely praised and prayed to in the Roman Catholic tradition, Mary is however, a model of Spirit-filled worship to the One who was born to save His people from their sins. “My soul magnifies the Lord (Luke 1:46).” - Mary

Mary's Hymn of Praise

In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis articulates three consequences of sin. In the life of a believer, we are no longer under sin’s reign, but we still face the consequences that occur as a result of our sin and still receive discipline from the Lord.

The Consequences of Sin

In this episode, Jonny Ardavanis examines the biblical theme of gratitude. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “in everything give thanks for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

In this episode, Jonny will survey: The grounds of our thankfulness, The fruit of our thankfulness, The hindrances to our thankfulness

In Everything Give Thanks