
  • Jonny Ardavanis

    Founder of Dial In Ministries

    "Three years ago I started producing podcast, written and video resources with the intention of reaching the next generation with the truth of God’s Word. At the time I didn’t know how God would use the resources, but I hoped that it would be a blessing to the churches/students that had come up to Hume Lake over the years.

    By God’s grace over the last three years we have seen these resources being used in nearly every country around the world and by millions of people. Although there are various demographically and geographical distinctions amongst those who listen, there is a commonality amongst those who have consumed the content produced: A hunger for God’s Word.

    My burden is to continue to herald God’s Word by using digital mediums to reach others with the truth of the Gospel and the treasures within God’s Word.

    We live in an age of information and so much of the information being propagated today on YouTube, podcast, and various social media platforms stands in stark contrast to the truth of the Bible. The digital world presents many problems in our culture today, but it also presents many opportunities.

    With that in mind my aim is to continue producing podcasts, videos, and in the future, print resources that teach, train and equip the next generation.

    Over the last couple years we have seen these resources not only minister to individuals but also to pastors and churches who are seeking to navigate the mess of compromise and confusion in our culture while attempting to discern what God’s Word actually says."